By Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra Teaching in schools should deliver ‘Ideas worth spreading like a virus’; however, with inspiration instead of sneezing! For teachers to be on the same page with their students in the class, ...
“Change is the only constant thing.” – Heraclitus In the past, education was happening solely with the help of a teacher. H/she was always the one to spearhead the learning process. Today, with the help ...
These days, information technology and eLearning methodologies are playing a key role in taking education to the masses. eLearning can overcome geographical barriers easily, since it offers an anytime-and-anywhere-learning facility. This eliminates the need to ...
Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra “Ma’am, please tell us something new! This is already in the book,” such a statement may be anticipated from a student during any subject-related interactions in today’s classrooms. To the surprise of ...
Digital learning is fast becoming a game changer in schools all across India. Once it becomes the norm in schools, India will surely not lag in any student assessment programs but will lead ahead. In ...
By Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra How important do you think is a tablet for the curriculum in your school? Well. A tablet provides a better framework for ensuring better learning through a blended approach, with students ...
The transition from the traditional chalk-and-talk method to digital education has begun in India. However, we still have a long way to go. Undoubtedly, this transformation does happen overnight; not even over months. Instead, it ...
In the past 50 years, education has seen lots of advancements in terms of technological assistance. Just 20 years back, computers were nowhere to be seen in classes. However today, this device owns a place of pride ...
Technology is not only transforming the face of education but also the roles of students and teachers. With the changing environment in schools, we look forward to a higher and better understanding among learners. In ...
Digital technology has a huge potential to improve the classroom-based learning process. Indeed, technology-based education has transformed the way subjects like Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and English are taught in the classroom. Further, it has made the teaching-learning process ...