5 Ways To Make This Holiday Season More Productive!

Are holidays only for lazing around? Sure, you need to relax and have a good time, but a productive holiday is a well-spent one too! Since Christmas is around the corner, we thought it would be great to share a few tips on how to make this holiday season fun yet productive.
Learn That New Skill

It’s time to take that guitar lesson or go to the piano class that’s been on your to-do list for a while now. You may not always need a teacher to acquire a skill. You just need to explore it. Books and the Internet are a great way to start. Dennis Buttimer, a wellness coach, says that learning a new skill thickens the prefrontal cortex which helps you become confident and fight fear and anxiety.
Join a Club

Whether it is a sport or exercise to keep yourself fit, joining a club or community will help you stay motivated and consistent. Find a hobby you enjoy and join like-minded people to work with you on it. A busy mind is a happier mind so make sure you are busy in the best possible ways. Find your company and get started. According to a source, participating in group activities, one to three times a week reduces psychological distress by 46 per cent. It is definitely worth joining a club if it can help you with your mental peace.
Be a Philanthropist

The holiday season gives you leisure time to indulge in philanthropy. Find a cause that you strongly relate to and do your bit. Maybe you could visit an orphanage or an old-age home and spread cheer there. Take up a day’s service at a medical camp and help patients get better. Collect things to donate to the poor and homeless. You could even start a campaign for community development around your place and ask your neighbours and friends to join you. It could be a small effort but the idea is to bring a change and be productive.
Read a Book

Holidays could be the best time to indulge in reading. Pick up a book – mystery, thriller comedy or any genre of your choice. Reading will help you spend time in the most productive way while keeping you engaged. It will not only improve your vocabulary but will give you a new perspective on many situations in life. Research at the Haskins Laboratories for the Science of the Spoken and Written Word confirms that reading improves creativity and sharpens memory because it gives you time to think, understand and process the information read.
Indulge in Self Care

Use your leisure time to improve your physical and mental health. Hit the gym and allow your body to remove all the negativity from it. Physical activity helps in the release of endorphins which are known as the happiness hormone. Do yoga to get rid of stress. Eating right and sleeping well will make you feel good about yourself and the world around you. Try and focus on the good things and shift to a positive life this holiday season.
Holidays are meant to help you rejuvenate and get back to life with double energy. Spend these precious days of leisure to add health, happiness and years to your life. The above tips can help you achieve this goal easily. Try them and tell us how you felt. Happy holidays!