The exam fever is here. Various exams for Classes X and XII are starting over the next few weeks. In this space, we have already discussed how to deal with exam stress, especially as the ...
High School can seem to be challenging for many students, especially if a student is actively involved in extracurricular activities, sports or simply hanging out with friends. With just a little assistance, you can help ...
With an increasing competition in the academic as well as professional world, students are nowadays studying for long hours to score high and achieve success. However, several studies have revealed that studying for long hours ...
Today, as more parents go to work, it demands that children be more self-reliance than ever before. Parents are juggling their careers and kids, and the balance often tips. There are far fewer teaching sessions ...
Self-learning without an external aide makes a student an independent thinker. Most importantly it gives the student the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. So, when a child learns independently and cracks a ...
“Patience is not really my forte,” said a participant on one of the contests that we are running on this Web site after he missed being one of the prize winners by a whisker, only ...