Maths anxiety or maths phobia is a finely studied psychological state. As the name suggests, it is the fear of numbers. During childhood and adolescence, many of us have been victims to nightmares that haunted ...
That there are four predominant ways in which students might learn, is a well known theory in the education sector. This, however is not to say that a student will be completely incapable of making ...
Learning becomes meaningful when it is attuned to the needs, goals and strengths of a learner and he/she is at the helm of the learning process. However, that does not mean the isolation of the ...
Play is defined as any activity done for enjoyment without thinking about the end result. For generations, there is a current of thought that play is just for fun. It is considered a waste of ...
Introduction The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Students view short video lectures of their lessons at home before the class session. ...
Teachers teach students. However, does it go the other way round, too? Do teachers learn from students? Here are opinions from some teachers: “Don’t try to fix the students; we need to fix ourselves first. ...
By Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra Right from the time you enter the classroom and the time you leave the school building, students tend to observe you and emulate you wittingly or unwittingly. So, you have to ...
By Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra Teaching in schools should deliver ‘Ideas worth spreading like a virus’; however, with inspiration instead of sneezing! For teachers to be on the same page with their students in the class, ...
Education is a highly productive investment. Machines are no more important than men who make them, operate them and improve them. Scientists and engineers are considered an important driver of a country’s economy. On the ...
India has the potential to emerge as an economic superpower only if its youth are nurtured to their full potential. It can be achieved in several ways, with a well-developed and systematic science education program ...