Teachers are like locksmiths – they open students’ minds. The mind of a student is like a door with a lock, which, when open, enables them to access the unlimited ocean of knowledge. Rote learning ...
The modern avatar of a teacher is that of a friend and a guide. Gone are the days when she was an authoritative figure who dictates do’s and don’ts in class. Today, a teacher eases ...
Over the years, education has not remained an option any more. Rather, it has now become a basic necessity. Education has now become essential in this global and competitive world, for an individual to succeed ...
The education sector in India is undergoing a major change, with the advent of eLearning and the focus shifting from learning by rote to learning by experiencing and exploring. Teachers in the country can make ...
There have been significant changes information and communication technology (ICT) has brought about in everyday life. Examples include online booking of train and air tickets, online banking, communication, collection of information and social networking. ICT ...
OFTEN, ALTHOUGH a question paper has been solved very well, the score is much less than the student deserved. In such cases, usually, the first few answers earn good marks, but subsequent answers go on ...
Education not only inculcates scientific temper, but secular values and sensitise students towards social justice. Education has given unity in the diversity of this great nation. There is something more basic to education than academic ...
The power of technology in education can be felt the most when it is used to bring about self-reliance through digital literacy. In other words, teaching students and teachers to use technology effectively, helps them ...
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are a huge phenomenon today. They are much in demand today because of the flexibility in their structure. MOOCs are not only sought after by students, but also professionals who ...
We all know the old adage about how only working without any recreation makes for a dull individual. Parents and teachers alike harp on this, and tell students, especially those taking the board exams for ...