More and more schools are discovering the advantages of eLearning and are embracing digital education. Modern education goes beyond the classrooms, and, indeed, the borders and boundaries of countries. Education has become an exciting interactive ...
21st century education is driven by technological innovations that are growing exponentially. Emerging complexity of global economic, social and environmental challenges is creating demands for an education framework that would prepare children of today to ...
The rapid pace of technology is having its impact on every aspect of human life, may it be the family, the work place, or social life. Mankind seems to be passing through a crisis. Technology ...
Use of technology for teaching Mathematics should be encouraged in schools. IT can be used as an education tool to help students gain confidence. Teachers should not limit their learning but trigger their thoughts towards ...
When we think of a school-going child, there are some distinctive visuals that come to the mind –faces glistening in the early morning sunshine, multi-hued school uniforms and school bags. These images can easily ...
Keeping a school’s administrative records up to the mark can prove to be a daunting task. In the academic institutions, it is important to keep a track of the administrative necessities also along with ...
Homework is as important as classwork as it helps you remember and correlate the lessons taught in the class. However, after the long hours of school, many children don’t feel like doing their homework, ...
As TV branches out into different genres of programming, children (and the world at large) are getting increasing visual by nature. For instance, they prefer watching news stories and news strolls on TV, for quick ...
The rapid pace of technology is having its impact on every aspect of human life, may it be the family, the work place, or social life. Then how can the education sector be left behind? ...
Global economic and social trends over the past few decades have had profound implications on educational and the use of technology in schools. ICT has changed the way people live. It has made it necessary ...