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Teach your kids conflict resolution

Teach your kids conflict resolution

Conflicts among kids are quite common. However, it is important for parents to help kids acquire the skill of peaceful conflict resolution. It will not only enable kids to resolve conflicts appropriately but will also play a significant role in shaping their characters.

When it comes to teaching kids conflict resolution, the following tips will enlighten parents.

  • Teach your kids to think before reacting. Tell them to think how others will feel before responding to them. Give them various situations and let them tell you how to handle such situations. This way, you can teach them appropriate ways to react in different situations.
  • When it comes to conflict resolution, the choice of words matters a lot. Not only kids but adults also make the mistake of using inappropriate words at the time of disagreement. It causes more harm than any good. So, while teaching your children conflict resolution, you should emphasize this point. One good way is to teach them to reply in the first person. For example: I was hurt by your behavior instead of blaming the person directly for his/her behavior.
  • Facial expressions and body language are two important factors in conflict resolution. Acquaint your kids with these two factors. Teach them listen to the other person attentively and understand the logic behind his/her action/behavior/words before responding.
  • Last but not the least, teach your kids to stay calm and have patience at the time of peacemaking. Do remember that positive outlook is the key to successful conflict resolution.


Image Credit: freedigitalphotos.net

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