If you are a new teacher, you may have to face many challenges in classrooms as well as in the school. Shaping minds and hearts is a joyful experience, but it comes with several responsibilities. ...
You want a child with high self-esteem and cheerful demeanor. However, don’t think it will happen naturally. Parents play a significant role in boosting kids’ self-esteem. The following points will guide you how to improve ...
During exams, students often face the dilemma of answering sure or unsure questions first. No matter how well one prepares for examinations, such a situation usually creates when the major concern is to finish the ...
Life skills also commonly known as executive skills which when inculcated adequately will help in your abilities like sustain attention, plan, regulate thinking and feelings and get organized. Though executive skills as the name says ...
“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save ...
Being calm on the day of the exam as well as during the exam is important to score well. Keeping your mind steady and the heart rate normal will help you focus on your exam, ...
SO HERE YOU ARE at the exams, with paper in hand, and wondering how to go about solving it. You studied hard all the year round, made sacrifices, and burned a lot of midnight oil ...
Part II – The clear, confident team player This article is the second of a two-part series that will help students develop the skills he or she needs in life, and focuses on ways students ...
‘Born to Learn’ a fascinating series of animations on how humans learn. It is based on the book “Over schooled and Under Educated’ written by John Abbott and Heather MacTaggart. This book is about the ...
Many students try to take in the most in the last few days before their exams. However, last-minute preparation is not considered good. In fact right before the exam, it is extremely important for you ...