What will return to school with children? A question that bothers parents and teachers alike. Returning to school will not be the same anymore. At a global level, 105 of 134 countries have decided ...
While constantly shutting down and reopening, schools are facing crisis ever since the COVID 19 has set foot on earth. First, it was a transition from book learning to digital learning. Children adapted to ...
Competition has penetrated all walks of life. It has even affected children who may not even be able to pronounce the word correctly. What to speak of them knowing its meaning. It doesn’t take long ...
As schools have reopened for in-person study sessions, they have given parents a big reason to worry. Sending them out in a dangerous environment after six-eight months of protection is a major concern. The pandemic ...
Switch to digital parenting! Pretty much everything has changed in this digital era. When everything has changed to become adaptable to technology, parenting should not be an exception. Following the same parenting methods as people ...
The global coronavirus pandemic has forced educational institutions to suspend classes. No wonder, children and parents feel emotionally and psychologically drained during this lockdown. At this juncture, online education using technology is proving to be ...
The question of child safety is one which causes much tension for both the school administration and the parents. The number of crimes against children keeps going up as the years’ past. A large number ...
As the strict lockdown measures by the government continue, more and more schools are looking at new innovative methods to continue the teaching-learning process despite the pandemic at hand. Because, while the immediate safety of ...
Preparing assessments and correcting answer sheets is perhaps one of the most time-consuming tasks for a teacher. It is not easy to prepare new questions for every class, every year. In fact, reports say that ...
There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book. —Frank Serafini Reading is not a habit that can be cultivated in ...