The old and traditional way of learning focuses mostly on memorizing and rote learning. According to the Encarta Dictionary, to learn is to acquire knowledge or skills, while to memorize is to commit something to ...
‘Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders.’ While some children are blessed with innate leadership qualities, others require more effort and time to develop them. Being a good leader does not only mean leading a team, but ...
A school is an institution designed to provide a learning platform for students. Schools play a crucial role in the life of children, and hence, are the best places to implement important training programmes such ...
Next Education has collaborated with IITBombayX, the eXtended online educational services from IIT Bombay, to offer free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on ‘Pedagogy for effective use of ICT for school teachers’ and ‘Pedagogy for ...
‘Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they have taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences’. – Kobe Bryant On 18 March 2017, Next Education launched its CSR wing ‘Next Education ...
Next Education marked International Women’s Day with an event to highlight the importance of women’s health. The event was held post-lunch, during which several women-centric activities were organised. Men on Women’s Day Doing their bit, ...
When learning happens through a medium that both educates and entertains, it is called edutainment. Here, the aim is to make the learning process fun, thereby creating a positive experience. Research states that positive learning ...
Many a time, teachers have had to deal with students who are preoccupied with other things while the class is going on or are bubbling with enthusiasm, which is mostly misdirected. This not only hampers ...
In yet another attempt to make quality education accessible to students, not just within the classroom, but also at home, Next Education has acqui-hired Xolvr, an online one-to-one learning solution provider for high school students. ...
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education signifies the curriculum based on these four disciplines. In the global education landscape, STEM-based learning is steadily gaining prevalence. Even in India, many schools have started considering this ...