Techno toddlers comfortable with technology

Gone are the days when teachers used to say that a child comes to a teacher as a clean slate. Media exposure to the little mind is beyond words. Parents proudly say that their little one can play games on the mobile and the computer, and can use the paint brush, or draw on iPads or smart phones. “Techno toddlers,” thus, are more adapted to technology than educators or teachers. Thanks to the love of working parents to keep their child engaged in a meaningful activity as they think it to be. Equally dominated by technology is the pre-school world as schools are competing to be the best choice to parents for new-age learning environment to the little genius. Early childhood pleasures of learning seem to be wired and hi-fi. Is this the future of child learning or technology invading the childhood in the 21st century world?
Life is online for teenagers and adolescents. They can have hundreds of “friends” while on their gadgets and interestingly keep conversing without even opening their mouth. Speed thrills, and a new form of language – brb, tk cr, gtg and so on – is dominating the texting in any e-form. Texting on a red light signal, discussing life while driving, and participation in con calls while gulping down food is a usual scenario. Multi-tasking is a trait of being a genius in making or madness to risk taking.
Technology is here to stay, and it is blossoming every second. No one can imagine his/her world without technology. Opportunities to enhance learning by exploring the edge are presenting themselves as well. The best way to make it our support is to use it appropriately and purposefully.