How to develop your kids’ reading habits

Modern technologies have brought a paradigm shift in kids’ world. They are more fascinated to play video games, watch cartoons on TV and spend time doing social media than devoting time to reading good books. Global learning crisis is a new phenomenon, which is a matter of serious concern to parents and teachers alike. Under the circumstances, the importance of inculcating reading habits in kids and teens is felt like never before. However, while developing their children’s reading habits, parents should make sure that their children take up reading out of choice, instead of any compulsion or pressure.
A good way to generate kids’ interest in the book is setting a good example to them. Usually, children tend to imitate their parents. So, parents should first nurture their reading habits. It will be the first stepping stone to turning your children avid readers.
Help your children grow their love for reading. Let them enjoy all types of reading; it can be reading newspapers, magazines, websites, comic strips and others. Arrange frequent visits to libraries and book stores. Let them get used to having books around and buy books whenever possible. Your enthusiasm for books will leave a positive impact on them.
Read with your toddlers whenever possible. Buy colorful picture books so that they easily get attracted to books. For your preschoolers, storybooks are a great choice. And for your teens, various adventurous books, historical novels, simple science fictions and sports books make for a perfect choice.
Discuss books with your kids quite often. Ask about the last book they have read and their opinions on the book and so on. Make sure that your conversation with your kids revolves around books. Such discussions will ultimately fuel your kids’ interest in books.
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