Everything about Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF and engages a mainstream community on a wide range of environmental issues. It started in Sydney on March 31st, 2007 as a lights-off event when more than 2,200 businesses and 2.2 million individuals switched off the lights for an hour. Earth Hour has grown to involve over 7000 cities and towns across the world today and the year 2014 marks 8th year of the campaign.
The event of Earth Hour came into existence owing to an initiative by the Co-founder and COE of Earth Hour Andy Ridley in association with FairFax Media and WWF Australia, Leo Burnett in order to address the issue of the climatic changes.
The event encourages people across the global communities, businesses and households to switch off the non-essential lights for just an hour to show tier commitment towards the plant. The 8th campaign of Earth Hour 2014 took place on Saturday 28th March, 2014 from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm in the respective local time zone around the world.
The earth hour is celebrated in the last week of March because it is the time of Autumn and Spring equinoxes in the southern and northern hemispheres respectively. This allows a near to coincidental sunsets in the tow hemispheres. This feature hence ensures a high visual impact for the worldwide event of lights out.
The standard logo of Earth Hour ‘60’ represents the time duration of one hour i.e. 60 minutes for switching off the lights. The focus is on the impact of power on the planet Earth and the actions for considering the environmental issues.