CBSE Discontinues Certain Electives for Classes 9 and 11 Makes Other Changes

CBSE Discontinues Certain Electives for Classes 9 and 11; Makes Other Changes
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made a major move by removing certain elective subjects from the class 9 and class 11 curricula from the academic year 2018-2019.
On March 9, 2018, the CBSE sent a notification to all its affiliated schools stating that it will discontinue 3 subjects for Class 9: English Communicative (code 101), Information and Communication Technology (code 166) and e-Publishing and e-Office (code 354 & 454).
Additionally, it will also remove the following 3 subjects for Class 11: Dance — Mohiniyattam (code 062), Multimedia and Web Technology (code 067) and English Elective CBSE (code 101).
From the coming academic year, there will be other curriculum changes for class 11 as well. The academic electives Agriculture (code 068), Fashion Studies (code 053) and Mass Media Studies (code 072) have been merged with similar vocational electives and will be offered as Vocational Electives.
Following NCERT’s prescription, the CBSE will be renaming ‘Sanskrit Communicative’ (code 122) to ‘Sanskrit’ (code 122) and ‘Foundations of Information Technology’ (code 165) to ‘Computer Applications’ (code 165) this year.