IIT-JEE to follow GATE format in 2018

IIT-JEE to follow GATE format in 2018
The IIT-JEE (Advanced) 2018 examination is all set to follow the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) format and for the first time, it will be computer based.
Presently, the GATE’s online examination papers have some questions for which numerical answers must be keyed in by the examinee using the virtual keypad. The reminder of the questions will be of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) types. The GATE examinees only use an on-screen virtual calculator provided for the examination.
An IIT-JEE sub-committee source said, “A virtual calculator will be available on the computer screen during the examination. Students can only use it during the examination. This time the IIT-JEE candidates have been barred from using their own calculators, mobile devices, watches or even electronic devices. If found violating the rules, the student’s candidature will be cancelled.”
As per the IIT-JEE sub-committee’s initial proposal to the Joint Admission Board, examinees may be allowed to occupy their seats, 30 to 40 minutes ahead of the start of the examination. They will be permitted to read the instructions 20 minutes before the commencement of the test. Additionally, the examinees will not be permitted inside the hall after 9.30am for the morning session and after 2.30pm for the afternoon session.
The Joint Admission Board received other proposals including the one that suggested providing scribbling pads for rough work that will have to be returned at the end of the examination.