CBSE Class XII Board Exam Maths Question Paper Pattern to be Changed

With just a couple of months remaining for the class XII board exams, students are gearing up to meet the exams with complete preparation and confidence. While last year the maths exam had seemed quite a nightmare to many students, the students taking up the exams this year are fortunate in that regard. CBSE has revised the pattern of examination for Maths. And the new look is certainly for the good.
The new examination pattern will include 8 short answer (SA) questions, carrying a total of 16 marks. In addition, there will be 4 one mark (VSA), 11 four mark (LA-I) and 6 six marks (LA-II) questions. The SA questions are a new addition this year. The new question paper format also seems good considering the fact that it provides ample scope to students to tackle the questions with significant ease, while also retaining the challenging aspect which appeals some. Accordingly, the bulk of the question paper will be the average difficulty questions, comprising a total of 60%. The easy and difficult level questions will be 20% each. A total of 10% weightage—3 SA and 1 LA-I questions— will also be given to questions aimed at assessing the higher order thinking skills (HOTS) of students.
CBSE had issued a circular in late July, to bring to the schools’ notice the changes which would be implemented in the maths paper of class XII board exam. CBSE had garnered a lot of criticism, both inside the Parliament as well as on social media, for the difficulty level of the 2016 maths paper; this probably prompted the board to take the decision of revising the examination pattern.