5 Best Books to Instill Reading Habits in Your Child

There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book. —Frank Serafini
Reading is not a habit that can be cultivated in a day. Nobody picks up a book one fine morning and becomes a reader. It is a hobby that takes time to develop and therefore requires patience. In this current world, where entertainment appears in a multitude of forms, children rarely tend to turn to books for engagement. Therefore, it is upon the parents to ensure that their child develops an interest in reading.
Why is reading an essential hobby for children?
Reading opens a whole new world for your child. It helps them learn new words and makes them search for their meanings. As a kid, my father made me read more because he believed it would improve my English skills. But now you might argue that there are English films and shows which serve the same purpose! Reading does improve language skills but it also has many other benefits.
It makes the child think and make their own interpretations and conclusions. This helps the child get a deeper understanding of the world around them as well. Studies say that children with good reading habit become more compassionate and broad-minded adults.
So here are a few books that you can give your child to instil a reading habit in their minds from a young age. There are a number of famous authors who write for children, but here we will list the most famous books that have been enjoyed by children for generations.
Secret Seven
Enid Blyton is probably one of the most widely read author in children’s literature. Her books are often the first introduction that a child has to the world of learning. Secret Seven is just one of the many famous series created by the author.
The books revolve around seven children who start a secret society. The stories show their little adventures while solving small mysteries in their local neighbourhood. This often involves hiding and keeping watch, hunting for clues etc. The book holds the reader’s attention by describing fun activities the children do with their friends. Often enough it inspires little readers to make their own fun secret clubs with their friends!
Harry Potter
There is no child or adult who has not heard of Harry Potter. The series which started in 1996, catapulted the author J.K Rowling into instant fame. The book brought back a generation, immersed in videos and games, back into the path of reading.
The series introduced a whole new world filled with magic through the eyes of the orphan named Harry. The story deals with Harry’s growth through the years and various adventures as he studies in Hogwarts, a school for wizards. The world created by Rowling is imaginary, but much of the plot is relatable to little kids with strict teachers, detentions, class pranks etc.
Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew
After Enid Blyton’s mystery stories, the best books to gift your child would be Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew series. Both the series were penned by ghostwriters collectively under the name of Franklin W. Dixon and Caroline Keene respectively.
Joe and Frank Hardy are teenage brothers who act as amateur sleuths solving mysteries which sometimes even stump their adult counterparts. Nancy Drew is the female counterpart, a girl detective solving mysteries in the American neighbourhood. Both Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys enjoys immense popularity even to this day, resulting even in TV adaptations.
Malory Towers
Another Enid Blyton classic, the Malory Towers series include six books. Set in Britain, each book covers one school year through the eyes of Darrell Rivers. The series is based on a girls’ boarding school and details the various adventures the children have through the years.
The series sees the protagonist and friends grow from little girls to proper young women ready to enter college at the end. In addition to Malory Towers, Blyton also penned two other series that revolve around girls boarding schools, St Claire’s and Naughtiest Girl.
Percy Jackson series
Percy Jackson series, created by Rick Riordan, is a great way to get your child interested in myths and ancient cultures. Perseus ‘Percy’ Jackson is the main protagonist and narrator in the series. He is the son of Posideon with a mortal, making him a demigod.
Percy grows up in New York and suffers from dyslexia and ADHD. The series details his various adventures after he discovers the truth about his birth. It is gripping and presents Greek mythology in a new and interesting way for young readers.