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Student Development Technology in Education

Using Technology to Develop English Skills – A Parental Guidance in Digital Education

We live in a digital era, where everything is integrated with technology and accessible anywhere, anytime. It has made its way into education and is being implemented in schools for efficient learning. Using technology to develop English skills is also part of it.

As English is also taught with the help of technology in schools, it is one language that should be given the utmost care and importance as it forms the basis for communication later in life.

These days, various websites and apps are dedicated to fostering a love for English. These are very beneficial as they give students a sense of achievement from the gamified experience they provide. It is also very easy to monitor and track their progress.

Digital literacy must be kept in mind as it is very crucial as technology is becoming prominent in schools these days. It helps them understand digital responsibility and how to use it safely and removes the barriers to social communication.

How Parental Involvement is Beneficial?

Using Technology to Develop English Skills - A Parental Guidance in Digital Education

When parents are involved and guide the children throughout the learning process, it boosts their confidence and builds their courage in general usage of English. Your enthusiasm and support will make a huge difference in their understanding of the language and its variety of usage. While involved, monitoring the kids’ screen time is essential, as too much of it can harm the child. Nowadays, many tools are available for monitoring. A good practice would be to check out programs and games ahead of time, ensuring your child is engaging with the right content.

EnglishLab – Your One-Stop Solution

EnglishLab - Your One-Stop Solution

Our EnglishLab is an innovative platform meant for the holistic development of learners as we provide an interactive user interface. It integrates cutting-edge technology with refined tools to enhance language acquisition and proficiency.

We emphasise developing real-world communication skills and preparing students to use English confidently in various settings. The platform focuses on all four language domains (listening, speaking, reading, writing) to ensure full language development and additionally focuses on grammar and vocabulary for overall growth.

It provides a diverse choice of interactive content geared towards different learning levels. The platform features interactive exercises and engaging activities to meet students’ needs. These materials are intended to make studying English more exciting and successful by encouraging students to actively participate and practise their language abilities.

Our advanced suite of tools covers the aforementioned essential skills, including our Speaking Tools such as The Intonation Tool, which emphasises speech for better clarity. Our Fluency Tool is designed to improve speech pace and reduce pauses. Our Reading Tools like The Skimming Tool help skim the text and identify key ideas, and Our Scanning Tool to scan texts for crucial information.

EnglishLab - Your One-Stop Solution

The platform provides many assessment methods, such as quizzes, assignments, etc., to measure different elements of language proficiency.

Teachers can monitor student performance, identify areas for growth, and tailor instruction accordingly. Feedback comes in two forms; for some activities, students receive it immediately after attempting the exercise, where it tells what went right and wrong, and overall analytics fall under the second form of feedback as they tell us what skill and which concept needs improvement for the student. 

Everyone needs to be tech-savvy in the 21st century, and using it to hone students’ English skills will go a long way in the future.

Explore more! – Next Education | NextGurukul 

Disclaimer: The images used do not resemble any known person. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Sri Durga Navya Kopparthi

A curious content writer with a love for words and design, blending creativity and curiosity to explore new ideas and craft engaging stories.


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