CBSE to Introduce Practicals for All Subjects of Classes 11 and 12

CBSE might shortly introduce a practical for all the subjects in classes 11 and 12. The board is planning to make this the norm for subjects including English, Hindi, History and Business Studies.
With regard to this, a CBSE official said, “We had been toying with the idea for some time. In English, for example, the idea of a practical would be to ensure that students understand spoken English and can also speak the language properly.” At present all science subjects, as well as some commerce and humanities subjects, have a mandatory practical component. Just as in the case of the science subjects, the practical part would carry a weightage of 30% of the total marks.
The new norm is expected to be effective from the 2018-19 academic year. The idea has got mixed responses. Though most teachers have appreciated the idea of including a practical element, some have also expressed concerns. It all boils down to what the practical element will be. In English, for example, first generation learners might have a big problem with the spoken element […] It is crucial to make sure that a decision is taken keeping the socioeconomic background of all students in mind,” a principal is reported to have said. Others however, see this as a hopeful move, believe that such a decision could make the teaching-learning process more interactive.