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Master Spoken English – Teaching Guide to Language Proficiency

Tourism, technology, communication, and curiosity have one thing in common—the globally spoken language, English, that connects more than a billion people. A Bollywood dialogue can unconventionally summarise the intricacies of the language: “I can talk English, I can walk English, I can laugh English, I can run English because English is such a funny language.” This humorous take highlights the fun nature of English, but grasping its complexities is the essence of true language proficiency. Students need not do the Labours of Hercules to master spoken English at a young age; they need the right guidance that reveals the beauty of the language.

The advent of globalisation has made it essential to teach English from kindergarten. It is a language where every word has a distinct meaning, making it easier to differentiate between concepts. For example, homonyms and homographs consist of words with the same pronunciation and spelling; the latter are words with the exact spelling but different pronunciations and meanings. At Next Education, English books and EnglishLab are designed to promote overall development, with speaking skills being a core aspect of learning. These are seamlessly integrated into the teaching methods outlined below. But before diving into these details, let’s explore why learning English is crucial and how it benefits students.

The Why Factor – Is Learning At A Young Age Necessary?

Master Spoken English - Teaching Guide to Language Proficiency

Yes, absolutely! Bilingualism enhances cognitive development, communication, cultural insight, academic performance, social skills, and brain growth. Students who speak English fluently communicate well in class. This results in a confidence boost that promotes a positive self-image and improved interpersonal skills. These are critical in academic and professional environments as they give the students an advantage right from the beginning to navigate their future.

How To Make Students Proficient In Spoken English?

As we saw the why, let’s delve into how :

1) Interactive Speaking Activities

Engaging learners with activities such as debates, group discussions, skits, and role-playing is of the utmost importance. These activities will encourage students to think on their feet and express themselves confidently in English.

2) Integrating Technology

In the 21st Century, using technology to upskill is a boon. We have numerous platforms with endless content to teach students different topics. Likewise, Next Education’s EnglishLab provides a set of fine tools for learning and getting constructive feedback, which is our next topic of discussion.

3) Providing Constructive Feedback

It is necessary to pinpoint which skills need more attention and provide tips to improve. Provide regular feedback on various topics, such as pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and even fluency, to assist students improve their spoken English skills. This will ensure that they learn from their mistakes and progress.

4) Creating an Immersive Language Environment

While most schools are now English-medium, it is valuable to further enhance students’ learning by exposure to diverse forms of content and providing guidance on daily language usage. For instance, there can be dedicated time for students to talk about their favourite books and movies. As they do it, they can be introduced to the vast world of vocabulary to express themselves confidently.

These four strategies offer a proven pathway to achieving a command of spoken English, but do you want your students to have an additional edge? We have just the thing for you!

Attain Mastery At All Levels With the Next English And EnglishLab

The Next English books provide comprehensive guides for enhancing listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. This goes hand in hand with the EnglishLab, which offers powerful tools to improve the above mentioned skills. Furthermore, with personalised feedback, the learner will know exactly where to focus to achieve success.

Disclaimer: The images used do not resemble any known person. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Sri Durga Navya Kopparthi

A curious content writer with a love for words and design, blending creativity and curiosity to explore new ideas and craft engaging stories.


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