Limit the time children spend on video games

Children nowadays live in a virtual world of video games. They get over-involved with zombies, racing cars, virtual gunmen, and dodge balls. You can curb the time they spend operating the remote.
Play together. Video games make children less sensitive to violence than does TV or a movie. Video games let children become an active participate in violent acts – they can use a remote to control what happens in the game. So, why not play together often to keep an eye on them? Be cautious as a parent.
Set time limits. Spending much time on video games can eat from the time children need to spend on school work. So, set time limit.
Curb the content. Children who get much involved and excited by violence tend to get over-stimulated while playing video games. In other words, video games reinforce their preference for violence. Such children later turn violent at high school or college. So, curb the content – expose them to only selective video games.
Encourage physical activity. When children get hooked to video games, they may fall prey to obesity, laziness and a sedentary lifestyle. So, get them to play an outdoor game before it is too late.
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