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Knowledge is Power

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Knowledge is power, Knowledge shared is multiplied- Robert Noyce

Sample 1

In this essay, we will focus on what knowledge is and the importance of acquiring knowledge.

Knowledge is something that will serve your entire life. It has enabled us to make advancements in science and technology and made us capable, superior and sophisticated beings on earth. Besides, it is the primary factor that clearly distinguishes the human race from the animals.

Education is the most important weapon that enables individuals to gain knowledge of different situations, judge between what is good and what is bad and make informed decisions. 

Schooling is the very first phase of a child’s life. During this stage, the society gives a variety of inputs to make the child knowledgeable in every known topic. While education during the initial years of schooling is crucial, special courses are pursued by children as they grow up so that they attain proficiency and skills in the field in which they want to excel and build their career.

Knowledge accounts for the success of people. The more knowledgeable a person is, the more advantage they have over other people.  It means they are better equipped to manage their and others’ lives. More than anything, knowledge must be put to good use.

Sample 2

Knowledge is something that will serve your entire life. It has enabled us to make advancements in science and technology and made us capable, superior and sophisticated beings on earth. Besides, it is the primary factor that clearly distinguishes the human race from the animals.

Knowledge stands for:

  1. facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience
  2. theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
  3. self-awareness gained in a situation

A person’s intellectual capital increases the more they share it with other people. With time, this intellectual capital proliferates. Humans have used this capital to convert their ideas into reality and aspire for success in their lives. 

Knowledge helps one differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. It helps them overcome their faults, weaknesses and confront dangerous situations. 

Furthermore, knowledge gives one the power to envision their future and what they can do in it. It is the driving force of technological progress in every society. Countries that give importance to technocratic thinking have used their knowledge base to create advanced tools and machinery. Thus, they have come a long way in achieving great feats in every scientific domain.

Manalisa Sarmah

Manalisa Sarmah is a copywriter at Next Education Pvt. Ltd. She has completed her MPhil in Sociology from the University of Hyderabad. She has worked on different educational projects with Hope Foundation and Adhyayan respectively. Her interest areas include reading, creative writing, and travelling.


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