Karnataka Introduces Assessment in Classes IV and VI to Analyse the Quality of Education

In a thoughtful move directed at improving the quality of education, the Karnataka state government has decided to introduce an assessment for students of classes 4 and 6. This assessment will need to be taken by students of government and aided schools and will help in analysing the standard of education of the respective schools.
The test is scheduled to be held in March, 2017. Students’ written abilities and dictation skills will be put to test to help understand the learning outcomes. This will come as a substitution for the Summative Assessment I, currently conducted in schools as part of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Students of class 4 will be tested on environmental science and mathematics in addition to English and first language. For 6th graders, the test will encompass the subjects of science, mathematics, social sciences and three languages.
As per the government, the aim of the assessment is to create a greater responsibility in teachers towards’ the students’ learning outcomes. Consequently, students obtaining lower scores will not be detained.
With government becoming increasingly concerned about school education, we can be hopeful of a better educational system where students have the access to quality education.