Factors to consider while designing the physical space of the classroom

A well-designed classroom sets the stage for a holistic learning environment. The onus is on teachers as well as school management to optimize the physical space of the classroom. It will ensure that the teaching-learning process is par excellence.
Here are some factors that should be considered during classroom design.
- Visibility is the most important factor in a classroom’s physical environment. Design the room in such a way that every student can clearly see the chalkboard, projector or any other displaying materials.
- Classroom arrangement should complement the teaching style of a teacher. For instance, if the teaching style involves group activities and collaborations, cluster-style seating arrangement will be a preferable option.
- It is equally important to eliminate all distracting features and factors in a classroom. While arranging desks, for example, make sure that potential distractions—such as movements that are visible through doors and windows—are reduced as much as possible. It will help in boosting students’ concentration level.
- Safety aspect of the classroom should also be taken care of. There should not be any congestion in all high traffic areas. Similarly, electrical wires should be properly covered. Besides, there should be proper store place where students can keep their school bags and other personal belongings. It will help in keeping the classroom well-organized.
- Last but not the least, the room decoration should be motivating and create a learning ambiance. This is an area wherein students should be encouraged to get involved actively.
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