Beat the exam stress

“If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counsellor, caution your elder brothers, and hope your guardian genius.” Joseph Addison
With the board exams barely a month away, the pressures are mounting high not only for the students, but also for the parents. The competitive pattern of admissions to professional or academic courses is so high that it inevitably leaves the child worried and stressed all through. Some parents also tend to get overtly anxious and, albeit unintentionally, add to the child’s stress.
To begin with, parents need to be calm and supportive to ease the pressure of the child. Parents for sure need to stop comparing their child to anyone, even their siblings. Children have to be pushed for better performance to be in the rat race of competition, but we, as parents, need to de-stress our children so that they perform better. Board examinations are times of anxiety and stress. So help your child.
It’s important for students not to let any temporary setbacks affect them. Pre-board exams might have left some students tensed if their performance has not been up to the mark. Don’t brood over this, and reinforce portions where improvement is necessary.
Remember the difference between ‘’Try” and “Triumph” is the “Umph” factor! So get hold of yourself and say that “I Can.”
Revision Tips:
- Plan and complete it on time. Set realistic goals.
Know yourself well. Think when your brain works the best. Keep these time slots for difficult subjects.
Prioritise your work plan. Do difficult subjects or topics first.
Change subjects of study as per difficulty and your area of concern. - Do practise writing while revising. Keep on making notes for last-minute revision.
- Time management is very important .Avoid getting stuck on any topic. Keep it aside and take help later on.
- Monitor your progress by taking mock tests. Sit for a three-hour test, preferably as per the timings of the board. Writing under exam conditions will help your body clock adjust to the board time and conditions.
- Make sure you allocate adequate time for fun and relaxation as well while keeping away from distractions.
- Study smart. Keep asking questions to yourself. Reinforce the important points of answering a question. Keep relating to diagrams, flow charts, formulae, etc. frequently.
- Revise regularly.
Stay Healthy:
`Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.” -Corrie Ten Boom
- So wisely said, and yet we fail to practise it and use the present constructively to our benefit.
- Remember, it’s important to relax. You can perform at your best only if your body and mind get adequate rest. Follow a regular sleep pattern.
- Prevent mental fatigue. Take regular breaks. Go for activities that maintain continuity of studies during these breaks also.
- Keep up with simple exercises that are effective in relieving stress.
- Take your meals at proper times. Ensure that they are rich in vitamins and proteins. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and sufficient water intake, are a must.
The Power of Positive Thinking:
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. Alexander Graham Bell
- The board exam at the moment is your goal. So set your eyes on your targets.
- Concentrate and bring to focus all your thoughts and efforts to achieve your goal.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. –Benjamin Franklin
Wishing all students good luck for the examination ahead !!