A patch of green at school

With industrialization prevalent across the globe, we need to start telling our children the value of greenery in this concrete jungle. You can take this initiative by creating a small garden at your school.
You may be wondering ‘How to go about it? How will I do it?’ Well, there are many ways to do it. The following pointers will enlighten you:
Team up with parents
First, you can take suggestions and ideas from parents. This way, it will be easier for you to seek cooperation from the school management. Some people in the management may consider your project frill or eating away time from the classroom sessions. Once you get the support of parents and the majority of the management, you can stop naysayers and everything will fall in place.
Once the garden project gets going, you will have to ensure the commitment of the maintenance staff. Even in this department, some will respond positively, while a few may consider it just another unnecessary chore. Tell them about the project and benefits that the school can derive from it. Thereafter, listen and respond to their concerns.
Plan for the long term
Take some time to think about the future of the garden, maybe after five or even 10 years. Students who are in the school would complete their schooling and move on, parents associated with the project would change with time and the staff may also be slowly replaced. Ask yourself: Who will be responsible for the garden when the initial group of supporters move on?
Start small
Start with a few flower beds while ensuring that there is ample space so that the garden can be expanded in the future. This will encourage everyone to get involved in the project and get some time to acquaint with their roles properly.
Build raised beds
Rather than removing the sod and tilling an area in the school property, set up raised beds, fill them with topsoil and compost and then plant. This process will reduce the cost and effort needed to create the garden and leave space for the expansion of the garden in the future. It will also make it possible to assign specific classes, grades or groups to take care of particular beds.
Set the timing right
Don’t grow a garden full of summer vegetables or other plants that need to be harvested when the school is not open.
Think about water
While planning, take some time to figure out the possible sources of water and how you will bring it to the garden easily. Rainwater harvesting is a good idea in this case.
Work out a plan
This can be the most challenging yet the most important task to sustain your garden. Before you start, develop a thorough plan for keeping the garden well-tended, especially when the school remains closed (during vacations).
Image Credit: freedigitalphotos.net