How to deal with errant students

Dealing with errant students is a big challenge for teachers. Some teachers intend to nip misbehaviour in the bud and some take stern actions against such students from the day one in the classroom. Even at the beginning of an academic session, many teachers prefer making a note of their new students’ behavioural patterns and dealing with them accordingly.
However, teachers are suggested not to take any stern actions against errant students from the day one. Rather, they should give such students a scope to rectify their behaviour. You can go through the following tips to get a better idea of how to deal with such students.
1. Don’t over-focus on them
On the very first day when you step in the classroom, don’t keep an eagle eye on those students who are branded as ‘errant’ by the teachers in their previous classes. Don’t make those children sit very close to you–it’s not required and can backfire.
Remember that schoolchildren have very malleable mind and you can shape it through your behavior – it does make a difference. Sometimes, if you treat students with respect and spell out the rules right at the beginning of the session, then such students are likely to behave properly.
2. Don’t spend more time with them
When you pay extra attention and more focus on dealing with all errant students in your classroom, they will understand that you have your eyes on them. It will ultimately create a distrustful relationship between you and those students right from the beginning.
3. Do control your face and speak to them normally
It is true that children are very sensitive to their teachers’ facial expressions and voice tone. Generally, teachers tend to speak with errant students in a different manner, without even realizing its impact on them. Refrain from such practice; it will cause more harm to these students instead of encouraging them to change their behaviour.
4. Don’t bring up the previous year
While dealing with errant students in the classroom, teachers try to bring up various incidents happened in their previous academic years. Avoid doing this. This undermines your ability to build rapport with such students. Stay calm, act smart and take a positive yet impactful approach while handling errant students in your classroom.
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