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The Definitive Exam Preparation Guide: 7 Tips To Master Physics

Is Physics your worst nightmare? Then it’s time you forget it and invite the subject to be your best dream. How is that possible? Continue to read the blog to find out how! Google says Physics is a natural science that studies matter. Now, that shouldn’t be very hard, don’t you think? Here’s an interesting solution to your dilemma. The following simple tips may not just help you to learn Physics easily but they might also make you fall in love with the subject.  

Identify the Obstacles

Numerical problems are tough to solve, isn’t it? Too many numbers, too many combinations and too many methods! But what is the solution? And, what about the technical terms? How should you memorise them? Are these the only questions that cross your mind? What about the various concepts and the laws and derivations? It is important to identify the problem to solve it effectively. Every problem mentioned above has a detailed solution. Address them all one by one and detangle all the Physics problems in one go.

Draw to Understand

It is difficult and inefficient to learn a concept or an experiment by mugging up. However, drawing the same will not only make it interesting but also make it easy to learn. Draw the concept of Physics on a piece of paper because demonstrations are easier to get into your memory and stay there for longer. When you read a concept, try to bring your imagination to play and put it on paper. Refer to your textbook for help. The trick here is to try and draw concepts on your own as much as possible. This is how you learn best!

Know Maths to Know Physics

The secret of mastering any subject is to know that all subjects are interconnected. Especially subjects in science. Speaking of Physics, Maths is inseparable. Check for the overlap in the two subjects and understand the connection. Be it integration or differentiation, Physics and Maths cannot be understood separately. Get clarity on the links between the two and apply these when you are learning concepts in Physics.

Five Steps to Solving Numerical Problems 

Jotting down all the information is any day better than reading it a hundred times. As soon as you read a question, write down all the information you get. And then write the formula you need to apply. In the third step, put all the information in the formula you have. Calculate the values accurately and arrive at the answer. Follow these steps in the right order and be sure to achieve success.

Use Terminology Outside Academics

An easy way to remember the complex terminology in Physics when you don’t have any study materials is to apply the terminology wherever possible – in your thoughts, speech, reading or writing. This will not only help you learn the terms, their spellings, pronunciation and usage but will also help you get a grip on the concept in which the term is prominently used. So, make it a habit to include Physics vocabulary in your routine.

Explore Prerequisite Information of Concepts

Understanding a concept in Physics requires you to get complete knowledge. Not just the concept itself but the information that led to its creation and the effects it has on other theories of Physics and other branches of science. Without this knowledge, learning about any concept is incomplete. Try to get the history of every concept in Physics and make your foundation strong. 

Memorise with Diagrams and Mnemonics 

Memorising information is easier when they are represented as diagrams or mnemonics. In mathematics, for example, no one forgets a ‘Pi’ diagram or the popular ‘BODMAS rule’. You can surely find something in Physics too. And, in case you don’t, then don’t hesitate to use your imagination and create your own mnemonics. 

Physics is a very interesting subject if you approach it the right way. Follow these tips to not just master the subject but to enjoy it as you learn. To make exam preparation a fruifully fun journey, check out NextPhysics. Happy learning!

Fareedullah Mohammed

A true master of everything Physics — engineer, teacher, subject matter expert and an IIT/NEET coach. Loves learning new languages and playing basketball in his free time.


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