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Storywriting and storytelling have been ingrained in our culture since time immemorial. Tales of evolving culture, transitioning kingdoms, and changing astrological signage have intrigued our ancestors enough to pass their real-life experiences down through oral or written narrations. Thus, taking a leaf from our running tradition, stories are undoubtedly an important aspect of blossoming into a personality of substance. They have formed the basis of our upbringing and progression into a civil and dynamic society.

Further, no story is complete without a beginning, middle, and end.
In this article, we shall begin by digging deeper into the realms of storytelling and understanding what story writing is.
In the middle, we shall correlate the necessity of inculcating the art of story writing, especially in our early shaping years.
Last but not least, we end the present article by discussing the comprehensive outlook of Next English by Next Education, which is crafted for youthful, school-going, curious minds!

Let’s now take a glimpse of the various facets of storytelling!

What is Story Writing?

Story writing is the creative process of crafting narratives with characters, plots, settings, and themes to entertain, convey messages, or evoke emotions in readers. A chosen point of view, style, and tone is used to convey a story effectively. Ultimately, it’s about telling compelling stories that captivate and resonate with audiences.

What are the benefits of Story Writing?

  1. Creativity: Storywriting nurtures imagination and original thinking.
  2. Language Skills: Enhances vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.
  3. Critical Thinking: Promotes planning, organisation, and problem-solving.
  4. Emotional Expression: Provides a safe outlet for exploring and expressing emotions.
  5. Confidence: Builds a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-confidence.
  6. Communication Skills: Improves ability to articulate ideas and connect with others.
  7. Empathy: Encourages understanding of diverse perspectives and emotions.
  8. Problem-Solving: Challenges in story development strengthen resilience and problem-solving skills.
  9. Cultural Understanding: Explores different cultures and traditions, fostering appreciation for diversity.
  10. Literacy Development: Emphasize reading comprehension, fluency, and writing proficiency.

What is Story Writing?
A snippet from the chapter “PICTURE COMPOSITION” in our Primer A – Tinker Advanced (Book 4) Series

The charismatic Next English and EnglishLab by Next Education are your gateway to immersive learning! The robust design functionality and pedagogical approach to English books and Digital Content in our products and solutions are customised to empower students throughout their growing years.

Trust Next English And Make Learning Fun!

  • Explore Different Genres
  • Develop Questioning Mind
  • Stimulate Critical Thinking
  • Correlate Through Lucid Example

English Grammar books for Level 1 (Basic) establish Composition Writing with a focus on Picture Composition, About Yourself, and Framing Sentences. As we move ahead into Level 5 (Medium), to strengthen their fundamental transition into higher classes, Composition Writing exposes students to Essay Writing in addition to Paragraph and Story Writing. Likewise, with the intention of progressively enhancing a child’s intellectual capacity in Composition Writing in Level 8 (Advance), the aim shifts to Book Review along with Story and Essay writing. 

Unique Features of Next English Books:

  • Contextualised Learning Experience
  • Participatory and Interactive Pedagogical Practices
  • Age-Appropriate Progression
  • Practice Exercises for Multiple Outcomes

Explore our collection, and let the adventure begin!

Hiba Farheen

A storyteller at heart. She yearns to work in a space where storytelling brings business, entertainment, social awareness, and spiritual rapture. Her quest for windows, chirping birds, turquoise, elderly trees, and old bazaar streets makes her an observant, inquisitive soul.


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