Self-learning in different social scenarios

Since more parents are going to work nowadays, it is important for children to be more self-reliant than ever before. Parents are juggling their careers and kids, and the balance often tips. There are far fewer teaching sessions that parents can spare their kids at home.
Today’s tech savvy school-goers are fast learners; they also learn the same concepts that their parents learnt in tenth grade at a much earlier stage. So, it’s quite natural that parents find it tough to keep pace with their kids. Against this backdrop, the use of a self-learning tool for at home holds immense significance. Self-learning tools are extremely beneficial as they are updated and in sync with the syllabi of various boards in India. Moreover, such tools also supplement classroom learning and can even iron out specific difficulties that students experience at the time of learning.
For instance, many children are afraid of Maths, which is nothing but a phobia. They can easily overcome this phobia by learning the subject using creative visuals, virtual demonstrations, and animated films.
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