Quality education is the need of the hour

Enhancing quality is a process and one needs to understand it properly. Expansion of current facilities, inclusion of more topics in syllabus and excellence are important for enhancing quality education. All these aspects that lead to quality education must be a simultaneous process. You cannot have quality without a holistic approach. An institute cannot focus on laboratory in the first year, then faculty the next-this segmentation approach does not work.
It is imperative that we introduce quality education at the primary level in schools. Also while imparting education the aspect of moral values and ethics should be given paramount importance. The syllabus which is used in both schools and colleges should not be in terms of quantity alone, but quality as well.
We must not forget that whatever education we provide must ultimately be useful to students, our society and nation. The current framework of education needs to be changed and replaced on the basis of our cultural heritage.
Upgrading and improving constantly is the key to success. Quality is a relative term and yesterday’s quality withers away today. Scholars need to continuously update their knowledge for achieving better results for the benefit of our education system.
Quality education could be ensured only with whole hearted support of teachers as they play a very important role in the entire set-up. We also have to understand that in this globalized era quality education has become survival issue.