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More insights into effective teaching habits

Several research studies have revealed that teaching quality has an immense impact on students’ performance and success. However, many educationalists find it hard to define the term ‘quality teaching’. The reason is that teaching is often considered an art wherein it is difficult to define, quantify and express the best practices. Now the question is how teachers (regardless of their experience) can follow some ‘proven’ standards that will make the teaching-learning process more effective? This is where comes the importance of identifying, adopting and adhering to some effective teaching habits.

The following are some effective teaching habits, which will pave the way for you to set your own benchmarks in the teaching landscape.

Effective teachers, regardless of their experience, have an abiding passion for teaching. They always try their best to add life to all lessons by making them interesting, interacting and engaging. Remember, it will be difficult for a teacher to impart knowledge to students if he/she just reads from the textbook in front of students without striking a chord with them.

Change is the only constant thing in the world and it is quite applicable to the teaching profession too. A teacher should be flexible enough to adapt to change. An effective teacher should know how to embrace change, no matter whether it is related to the teaching technique, teaching environment or changes in curriculum.

Be it planning lessons, checking students’ work or preparing notes for students, an effective teacher always stays organized. No doubt, last-minute lesson planning may not yield any results. Likewise, the jobs done at the eleventh hour may not be completely accurate.

A good teacher ought to be a good learner. They learn from feedback (both formal and informal) they receive from their colleagues and others, they learn while teaching in the classroom and also, while dealing with various behavioural issues of their students. These lessons help them gain proficiency in their job, thereby making their teaching skills more effective.

Effective teachers set standards for themselves and for their students as well. Most of them prefer preparing a list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ at the beginning of the academic session and encourage students to follow the list from the day one. Similarly,  they also adhere to the list, as they always practice what they preach.

Good teachers are always a source of inspiration to their students. They inspire students to excel not only in studies but in their lives as well.

Image Credit: freedigitalphotos.net


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