Marching with excellence in classrooms

The Six Sigma methodology can be used to bring about excellence in the classroom. Teachers can be trained to be Six Sigma specialists. Quality techniques such as Six Sigma, KAIZEN, and CONNECT (Creating Opportunities, New Networks, Experiencing Collaboration Teaching) can come in handy for continuous improvement in classroom teaching. The effort is to find out what can be changed during content delivery and the environment within the classroom to make them more effective.
Some Six Sigma classroom projects that can be implemented are as follows:
- Avoiding distractions in the classroom
- Ensuring students’ attention
- Making knowledge delivery interesting
- Assuring 100 per cent attendance
- Making learning fun
- Assuring teachers’ involvement
- Dealing with hi-tech learning gadgets
- Countering Facebook walls within the classroom
Many such projects can be devised and implemented in the classroom to ensure excellence in teaching. Do share your experiences with us here as to how this was achieved in your school/classroom.
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