How to Write an Essay

Students often find it difficult to write an essay. Sometimes, it is the reason why many of them score poor marks in languages. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide to writing an essay. Generally, an essay starts with an introductory paragraph that informs the reader what to expect to learn from the essay. This is followed by the body of the essay and ends with a concluding paragraph that summarises the entire write-up.
Step 1: Outline the Essay

The first step in writing an essay is to zero in on the central idea of your essay. If you know the topic, decide the central idea of the essay. For instance, if the topic of your essay is ‘an outing,’ your central idea can be ‘a family outing’, ‘a college outing’ or ‘an outing with friends’. Once you decide the central idea, it will help you outline the introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs.
Pro Tip: It is said that the first impression is the best impression. It holds true for your essay as well. So, be careful while writing the introductory paragraph. At the beginning of your essay, you can use interesting questions like ‘Do you know…’, insightful quotations, or relevant statistics.
Step 2: Connect the Paragraphs

Your essay may have one or more than one body paragraph. However, there should be proper coherence between the paragraphs. Besides, these body paragraphs should have a connection with the introductory paragraph and give a proper structure to your essay. It is good to use an introductory sentence at the beginning of every body paragraph. But the sentence should not be long, redundant and irrelevant.
Step 3: The Conclusion

The concluding paragraph should provide a summary of the essay you have written. So, ensure that the essence of your write-up is maintained in this paragraph. You can start this paragraph by re-mentioning the points you have discussed in the body. But, make the final statement/sentence of your article as strong and effective as possible. It should leave a positive impact on the reader.
Follow these three simple steps to write your essay and we assure you — you will instantly start seeing better results!