How to help your kids manage back-to-school blues

Most of the students—irrespective of their ages—suffer from back-to-school blues after long vacations. This feeling has a negative impact on students’ academic performance. So, being parents, you should help your children keep such feeling at bay.
Here are some tips that will come in handy for you.
Do not break your kids’ daily routine even during the vacation
A change in daily routine, many a time, causes back-to-school blues among students. It is true that students tend to wake up late and sleep late during vacations. Therefore, they face difficulty when they need to go back to their school routine. During a vacation, make sure that your kids stick to their daily routines, especially there should not be any change in their bedtimes and mealtimes.
Let them start back-to-school preparation beforehand
Encourage your kids to start their back-to-school preparation beforehand. You may allow them to arrange their school dresses and bags well in advance. This way, the idea of going back to school will remain in their mind.
Involve them in various back-to-school arts and crafts
Back-to-school arts and crafts are another good way to prepare your kids for school. Encourage them to create various decorative items for themselves as well as for their friends and teachers. For example, you can help your kids decorate their lunch boxes or pencil boxes. You can ask them to create beautiful greetings cards for their teachers and classmates. The basic idea is to make the beginning of school fun for them.
Make learning a joyful experience for them
Make sure that your kids study regularly even during a vacation. If there is a break in their study, it will ultimately put them in difficulty of regaining their focus. Being parents, you can help your children with their homework, revise the lessons they have learnt, and hone up their reading, writing and analyzing skills through various fun activities. This way, you can make learning a joyful experience for your children.
Strike a friendly bond with them
Vacations are the best time when you can create a friendly bond with your children. Tell them the good things that their school offers, how they can make the first day in school after opening very grand, and so on.
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