Having a creative bent of mind? Copy writing can be a true calling for you

Are you bubbling with creative ideas? Do you love writing attention-grabbing punchlines? Copy writing can be an ideal profession for you. An important element of both online and offline marketing, copy writing involves writing various marketing copies, including ad copies, direct mailers, press releases, brochures and other marketing collateral. Copywriters are responsible for converting any creative ideas into words in order to promote products or brands. A copywriter can write copies for different media, including print, web, TV, radio and others.
No special educational qualification is required to become a copywriter. A creative bent of mind, and exemplary writing and editing skills are only must-have skills to step into the profession. However, with the rising competition, most of the companies now prefer hiring copy writers with mass communication or English background. Besides, many vocational copy writing courses can also be a stepping stone to enter this profession.
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